Saturday, June 25, 2011 The Joy of Setting up a New Group in a 6 Hour Period.

Well, I guess I can let it out of the closet now. One of the things I wanted to do when relocated back to Dallas was to set up a new group to have fun and good times with, whether it be gaming, anime, you know, stuff similar to MOOGLE. Well, in the last few months, I've realized that I don't want a group of that scale, as things do tend to become very Genshiken-like, and I really wanted a specific focus on a set of ideals, namely concentrating on Tokusatsu, East and West styles, as well as doing Opinion Pieces, Costume Construction, and Show Reviews. So I've created Dallas Toku Force as a means of doing just that. My goal is to keep the group tight and small, with myself providing general info and ranting, my roommate contributing more ranting as well as cosplay construction for the male side, and hopefully a female cosplayer based in the Dallas area to match up with my homeslice to show the ladies how it's done. For this group, it's all about K.I.S.S.

I originally planned a 2 month buildup, then reveal for the group, as I originally wanted to look into webhosting and a CMS system based on Wordpress. Well, after checking some of the upfront pricing, yeahhhh, I'm holding off on that for now. Instead I went ahead and set up the blog at Wordpress for future migration to the CMS version at a later time. So with that done, it time to pick a theme and check features....

Oh, look there's a way to set up Facebook, Twitter, and Flicker links! Hey, I'll just go ahead and get this going...Okay, first go here to Facebook and set up an Organization page, then check the Gmail to confirm, then post page address to wordpress, then set up a DTF Twitter, check the Gmail to confirm, post page address to wordpress, oh hey look, I can link my DTF Twitter to my DTF Facebook, okay, now I have to set up a personal Facebook page, of which I can switch between the Org Page and the personal page, but now their linked, oops, my own Facebook was logged in there and now I'm displaying DTF stuff on my Facebook, okay, log out of everything, log back into my Facebook, oh boy, didn't get that URL right on the Facebook, go back in as DTF, get the right URL, sign out and back in as me, post the proper URL, it's good, look at the DTF Profile Pics, upload logos, write short bio to go in all profiles, now I'm done, well, except for that whole "Making a Post" thing for DTF. I figure that can wait until tomorrow, bah.

Also, while I was troubleshooting all of this I was having a conversation with a friend from Memphis and trying to put the logos together via PS. Yeah, fun times. I'm going to bed now.
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