Saturday, June 25, 2011 The Joy of Setting up a New Group cont'd.

Alrighty, I woke up, recharged and ready to start finish prepping the DTF siteblog. First things was to link the actual site to the DTF Facebook and Twitter, then start up on the Legalese. Unlike this blog, I'm probably going to be dealing with some material that will involve copyrights, like images and YouTube video, so it would probably be best to have my proverbial @$$ covered.

To begin with, DTF will use a Creative Commons License via Attribution-Share Alike, meaning all DTF material can be copied as long as it's attributed to us. I also added a Terms and Conditions that way all legal aspects can be covered, it's a little generic, but it'll get the job done.

I also built Catagories for the first time, something I haven't even bothered with in this blog (mainly because this blog is for ranting), of which the main fields are Tokusatsu, Cosplay, and Pictorials. The Cosplay section I should note about as I do have it divided into Male and Female subcatagories, mainly because I feel there is enough distinction and challenges between making costumes for each gender to warrent keeping them separate rather than lumping them into one catagory.

I have a DTF Crew area setup, but with only my Profile for now, when the roommate wakes up, I'll have him write his own profile up. The only thing left really to do is to post a welcome and then it's off to the races.
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