Friday, June 24, 2011 I needs a Female Cosplayer from Dallas and other thoughts

Okay, let's get the sales pitch out of the way. For the upcoming project, I'm looking for a Female Cosplayer who would be able to contribute articles on works in progress, general issues with costume construction, things of that nature. I already have someone on the Male end of things (my roommate), but perspective on the Female side will help. I would prefer someone in the Dallas Area as we'll all be meeting in person every now and then. There won't be a monetary reward yet until we can monetize the project, but at least it'll help get your portfolio up, especially those who are professionally in Fashion/Beauty, etc....Those who are interested, just give me a buzz on either Twitter, Facebook, or just Email me.

Sooo, today me and the homeslice went around looking for equipement relating to the new project. We found an Armed Forces Surplus Store that carries the items we're looking for, but when we went to the hobby shop nearby, we didn't realize that it was a hobby shop for RC Cars/Planes/Boats and not a general Hobby Shop, where you could get Styrene that's 1/8" thick in 12x12 squares. Looks like we're probably going to Ebay land for that.

The new Jace card was revealed last night. I now know why they banned Jace, the Glutius Maximus Sculptor, they just folded a lot of his silliness into Jace, @$$ Adept. Yup, CAW-Blade will reign supreme for another year.

Sooo, why doesn't anyone sell buttons or pins anymore except for special occasions or conventions? I went to both Anime Pop and Big World Comics and I could only procure a Green Lantern pin, what the crap? How am I supposed to make my Messenger Bag so superhot and sexy? No, stop, do not push reply on how I can just order from the intarwebs, normally the net is for buying import stuff from Japan (like those Madoka figures I'm getting next month....), not for having to buy simply Comic Book/Fantasy/Scifi Pins, bah!

Well, off to read I go. More chatting later.
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