Thursday, June 23, 2011 So, A Retitling....

Hello there, for those 1 or 2 of you that does not include my roommate who might be reading this, I have decided to restart this blog. Initially I put this together as a means to not have to physically write stuff down for my Capstone project at school (as I REALLY hate physical writing), but I do feel this would be as good as an arena if any to air my rants and personal ramblings, as Twitter and Facebook can only do so much.

Now one would ask what in the world I've been up to since posting this Capstone info? Well, in the last 2+ Years, I've:

-Helped found an Anime Group in Memphis (go here Memphians)

-Helped out some more with MidSouthCon

-Relocated back to Dallas, TX

That's been the basic jist of it. Why did I head back to the town of my birth? Simple, it was about my Pops and trying to find him some better healthcare. So far, I've been doing pretty good at that as he's been taken care of very well. I do plan on visiting Memphis from time to time, just not right now, I'm too low on funds.

I do have a new project in the works though, although this one will involve a very small group of people to be honest. Dallas is pretty big to where there's no need to start an Anime/Gaming/Fandom Organization, so I'm going to be a little bit on the selfish side and simply concentrate on my own ambitions. The fruits of that will probably not be revealed for a couple of months, and will only appeal to a small audience, but that's okay in my opinion.

Stay tuned here though, I'll probably post up ramblings from time to time along with a crazy pic or vid every now and then.
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