Sunday, July 17, 2011 Forced R&R does not make Panda happy.

Soooo, I've pretty much been laid up all day veggin' out on the computer, catching message board play by play of Money In The Bank while staring at SNSD clips and seeing random posts on FB. I was productive for DTF, but I still have to make 2 other posts to ensure we're good through Wed. I know I need to watch some more shows, but I'm really not very motivated right now. It doesn't help that my foot has been going haywire for the last couple of weeks leading me to be cut early on Friday and basically forced on a 2 day rest over today and Monday. Since I tend to be a hard-headed worker bee, I find forced time off frustrating, I usually just end up on the computer or just staring at a wall for a few hours. I'll shake off this rut though by the time I end up finishing this post.

On another note, due to me being a glutton for Volunteering, I've been picked up as Arcade Staff for AnimeFest here in Dallas. We'll be having a meeting on the 20th of August so I'll be seeing exactly what I'm getting into this time around. I'm sure I'll have a good time, I was always having fun watching gamers play in the old VG room at MSC, so this should be no different, just a few more thousand peeps.

I ended up caving in and ordering Medal Sets 3 and 4 from Kamen Rider OOO. It's going to make things a tiny bit tight, but with the new series coming up those Medal Sets are about to become scarce REAL FAST. I could care less about getting the Movie Sets, I just wanted the 4 Medal Sets to complete the collection. As for Fourze, I'll probably end up picking up that Driver, but not immediately, as I have a slew of Madoka Magica stuff coming in the next few months, plus GB Costume Stuff to take care of.

Whelp, I'm off to take care of more DTF business.
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