Saturday, June 21, 2008 Gee, Paperwork.....and a Logo!

Well, over the last couple of days, I've been doing handwriting. Lots of handwriting. I'm sure it would assuredly be considered archaic in the age of computers (especially since I do a lot of my work on my laptop), but in this case, I want to get all the details right, so it's my ritual of write on a pad first, then refine on the computer. As a result however, I end up in a stream-of-consciousness state, jotting down anything related to the project that comes to mind, which is good for getting ideas down, but tracking everything down is going to be a pain later on, but oh well...

My recipe is almost there, just have to do some fine tuning this week, with my pops as the guinea pig, lol....

Well, here's the logo for the show that I designed:

Have a good day folks!
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