Friday, July 11, 2008 Oh Ye Storyboarding.......

Yeah, needless to say, I'm not naturally inclined when it comes to drawing. I can't even get a circle right, yeesh! So when I had to put a storyboard together for The Wild One, I wasn't thrilled to say the least. When it came to film project I had done in the past, I knew what I wanted to shoot, so I simply just controlled the camera and did the storyboard later. Unfortunately for this project, as I am on camera most of the time, I'll have to bring on a cinematographer, which means, yeah, storyboard. I almost got out of having to draw it myself by bringing in an artist, but that fell through at the last minute, yay.

Well, I'll at least post a few of my Stick-Figures, lol, at least this way I can keep you guessing as to how this show will really take off visually!
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